As humans we are always faced with options, at least two in most circumstances. Do I go right or left? Up or Down? In or Out? You get the point. And whichever option we choose, we're left sometimes wondering what if we would have chose the other route, so to speak.
We tend to most times take whichever route is safer and in a lot of circumstances this makes perfect sense. For example, when speaking of how to get home, safer sex methods, landing a job, etc., then yes go with the way that is most familiar.
But, I'm more-so writing about day to day interactions, affairs of the heart and other things such as that. When it comes to decisions such as those I think it is important to sometimes take the route that's not so safe.
You will never experience anything, unless you sometimes take chances. You could potentially end up passing over the one meant for you because you were scared to go against the grain. Whether it be you're nervous about what your family or friends will have to say? Their past. If you'll will click and hit it off? Go ahead and take the chance to find out. Who knows, you may meet the love of your life and be together for a long time.
This doesn't only apply to your love life, but other areas too. From the professional side, most businesses are scared to change their marketing techniques or advertising strategies because of the fear of losing profit. But, WHAT IF, the new advertising did just the opposite and actually increased revenue?
Another example, you woke up one morning and remembered a dream you'd had the night before. You go to the store to play your numbers and remember a number from that dream, but instead of playing it, you just play your same usual numbers. You watch television later on and the number from your dream comes out. What if you would have played it?
My point is that we miss out on a lot in life that we probably don't even realize because we are so worried about taking a chance. Daring to be different. You may miss out on a great opportunity simply because you chose to stick to the norm. You can't live your life scared to take chances and if you do then more than likely you will find yourself mumbling and/or thinking “what if...” all throughout it.